Posted: 19/06/2024

Re-Universe to Bring Reuse to the Isle of Man After Winning the Prestigious Cleantech Isle of Man Innovation Award 2024.

Oxfordshire based re-universe, an innovative technology company based in Bicester, has been announced as the winner of the CleanTech Isle of Man Innovation Challenge 2024. This accolade recognises their ambitious project to make the Isle of Man the first nation to eliminate single-use cups by transitioning entirely to reusable cups. Using the re-universe technology platform, smart reusable cups will see a deposit or penalty hold activated at point of purchase which will be refunded / released at point of return.

The rigorous six-month competition saw re-universe stand out among thirteen finalists from around the globe. These finalists presented their solutions to an audience of 250 attendees on Thursday, 13th June, culminating in re-universe being selected as the winner of the Cleantech Award.

The awards were organised by the Department for Enterprise’s executive agencies, Digital Isle of Man, Business Isle of Man, and Finance Isle of Man, with the support of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority and UNESCO Biosphere. The competition featured strong contenders from Denmark, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore.

The re-universe platform is perfectly suited for a project of this scale, using advanced technology with unique coding and RFID to provide comprehensive item-to-item traceability, asset management alongside accurate data and insights. By collaborating with the Island to scale resources and infrastructure—including collection, sorting, washing, and logistics—the entire system is seamlessly integrated through the re-universe platform.

Using re-universes latest Just Tap technology, the platform connects the customers card to the cup at point of purchase, requiring no download of app or registration to use the scheme, bringing unparalleled ease to all who use it, whether they buy a drink in an independent coffee shop, a workplace, or an event such as the annual motorcycling TT race.

“We were honoured to receive the CleanTech Isle of Man Innovation Award,” said Rachel Warren, CEO of re-universe “we are impressed with the island’s commitment, passion and ‘can-do’ attitude to reduce single-use. This award highlights our joint commitment to set new standards in sustainability with a whole Nation approach. The Isle of Man will serve as a leading example for other communities and nations wanting to do better and switch to reuse”

Kirree Gooberman, Head of Business Development, Department for Enterprise adds “The most powerful tool in sustainability is changing behaviour, re-universe exemplify this by identifying a real problem and providing a practical solution to enable change. We are delighted re-universe won the CleanTech award and are excited to see the possibilities of what we can achieve working for our Island.”

This win builds on re-universe’s successful project at Blenheim Palace, another UNESCO World Heritage site, where they are achieving high return rates and strong engagement with the permanent reusable cup initiative at the Palace.

The award underscores the significant impact that re-universe’s project could have on environmental sustainability, not just on the Isle of Man, but as a model for other nations striving to reduce waste and foster reuse practices.