Archive for October, 2024

RECOUP Calls for a more Effective Plastic Packaging Tax

Posted: 17/10/2024

RECOUP Calls for a more Effective Plastic Packaging Tax

Plastics resource efficiency and recycling charity, RECOUP, has called for a more effective Plastic Packaging Tax in its new position statement.

As of April 2024, the tax is applied at a cost of £217.85 per tonne for plastic packaging placed on the UK market that is not claimed to contain 30% recycled content. However, there have been a number of issues identified during the two years the tax has been in place.

An unintended consequence of the Plastic Packaging Tax is happening right now.

The Plastic Packaging Tax was set up as an ‘environmental tax’, but there have been many examples of where packaging claims to meet 30% recycled content to avoid paying the tax – with some examples either not being technically possible or cleverly using the term ‘pre-consumer’ material that might not actually have any recycled content at all.

Simply put, claims of recycled content is not being sufficiently verified or enforced, particularly for packaging (filled and unfilled) that is imported into the UK.

Calls for the cost or 30% percentage of the tax are not sufficient to incentivise use of recycled content, but if these increase without proper enforcement, false claims of recycled content will inevitably also increase, and UK recyclers could further struggle in already acutely challenging commercial conditions.

Steve Morgan, Head of Policy & Infrastructure at RECOUP said: “An incentive to include recycled content, even if it has to be a tax, is a force for good as long as it’s properly enforced. However, the UK imports around half the plastic packaging it places onto the market, and this includes packaging with claims of recycled content.

“Lack of enforcement is increasingly making the UK recyclers commercially unviable due to having to compete with cheap imports of virgin packaging and packaging with recycled content from countries with significantly lower cost base and greater access to material.

If these false claims, particularly from imported material continue, we could see a collapse of the plastic packaging recycling system in the UK as we know it, and urgent action is needed.”

Lack of enforcement also means HMRC are losing revenue for an unknown quantity of packaging that does not contain 30% recycled content. That revenue, of course, is leaving our recycling systems, and an opportunity remains to align with packaging EPR and include recycled content as part of the eco-modulation framework, and thus incorporating a more holistic environmental impact of the packaging. Revenue like this for including recycled content, if ring fenced for the reprocessing sector, would provide game changing technical strengthening and ultimately commercial transformation for UK plastic packaging recyclers.

With packaging EPR and the Plastic Packaging Tax there are significantly increased administrative burdens on producers and users of plastic packaging. Any use of an enforcement and verification framework will have an impact on producers and users of plastic packaging and changes should ensure, as much as possible, that no avoidable burdens are placed on these businesses.

RECOUP also calls for an urgent review and overhaul of the Packaging Recovery Note (PRN) system to provide a more stable, commercially supportive and modulated PRN for plastic packaging formats where targeted funding is needed the most.

RECOUP’s new position statement, Considerations & Recommendations for a more Effective Plastic Packaging Tax can be downloaded here.

Winners Announced for The 2024 RECOUP Awards

Posted: 01/10/2024

Winners Announced for The 2024 RECOUP Awards


After receiving a record number of entries showcasing the amazing work being done throughout the plastics value chain in the areas of re-use, recycling and re-design, RECOUP have announced the winners of this years awards. Taking place the evening before the highly anticipated RECOUP Conference, the awards generated a lot of interest from across the plastics resources and recycling value chain with strong entries received for all categories.


Presented by Stuart Foster, CEO at RECOUP, the first winner announced was for the ‘Best Innovation in Equipment or Technology’ award which was presented to Polytag and Ocado Retail for their Rewards for Recycling initiative. This initiative encourages recycling by giving Ocado customers the opportunity to claim 20p rewards for recycling their own-brand two and four-pint milk bottles by using Polytags QR codes.


The winner of the second award for ‘Best Plastic Product Development for Recyclability or Re-Use’ was presented to Berry Global for their partnership with Abel & Cole, a pioneer in sustainable food delivery, to supply bottles for its Club Zero Refillable Milk delivery service. The new polypropylene (PP) bottles can be refilled up to 16 times before being recycled, reducing the carbon footprint of single-use milk bottles by half.


The third winner announced was for the ‘Recycled Plastic Product of the Year’ award which was presented to Morph Bricks Ltd. This is a closed loop modular construction system turning plastic waste into fully adaptable furniture and fit-out solutions that can be repurposed and re-engineered multiple times.


Nominated by the team at RECOUP, the Award of Recognition went to Jim Armstrong, Chairman of the RECOUP Board. Jim has provided help and support across many different activities within the team and for RECOUP members over the past year. His unwavering passion in the pursuit of plastic circularity in the UK and internationally is recognised by many.


The RECOUP Awards was followed by the RECOUP Conference.  Throughout the day a number of speakers identified that many of the challenges and opportunities are well understood and we now collectively have to move forward within the context of new policy developments and environmental expectations both in the UK and globally. There was also agreement that things aren’t happening fast enough, and the value chain really needs to work together to make progress quicker and better than previously. The role of the consumer was also a common theme throughout the day, both in terms of their role in delivering change, and in how we bring them on the sustainable plastic journey.


Stuart Foster, CEO of RECOUP, commented “With continued focus on the policy and practical aspects of plastics and wider climate and sustainability issues, the day was genuinely interesting and very timely around a range of priority areas. Once again the RECOUP conference and dinner was a resounding success, I would like to thank all the speakers, delegates, exhibitors, and awards entrants for their involvement and support.”


Congratulations to the award winners and thank you to the judges and all the entries this year. We need more innovation and development to get us to where we need to be and create a more sustainable future, don’t miss out on submitting an entry next year, the application process alongside dinner and conference details will be announced in due course.