The RECOUP Conference
KingsGate Conference Centre 2 Staplee Way, PeterboroughAGENDA 08:00-09:00 – Registration and Networking Breakfast 09:00-09:15 – Welcome - RECOUP Opening 09:15-10:40 – SESSION ONE: Understanding the Big Picture – Challenges and Opportunities Chair Margaret Bates - DEFRA Speakers Robbie Staniforth - Ecosurety Stuart Murray - Zero Waste Scotland Ermis Panagiotopoulos – Indorama Ventures PCL Kinza Sutton – Plastipak James […]
RECOUP Members Site visit to Blue Planet Washing Solutions 10 October
Blue Planet Washing Solutions Cobham Way,, Crawley,, West SussexRECOUP are offering members the opportunity to visit Blue Planet Washing Solutions Following the success of the returnable cups at our conference we have secured the opportunity for our members to see what happens behind the scenes. Blue Planet Washing Solutions provide high volume washing solutions for returnable items, with state-of-the-art technology, they work with […]
Recycling Expo
ExCeL LondonGlobal Congress on Recycling and Waste Management
Rome , ItalyThe inaugural Global Congress on Recycling and Waste Management was a remarkable testament to the adaptability and innovation in addressing the challenges posed by the current global situation. We are thrilled to announce that preparations are already underway for the Global Congress on Recycling and Waste Management which is in Rome, Italy during October 21-22, 2024 will continue its tradition of providing an […]
RECOUP 2024 UK Household Plastic Packaging Collection Survey
OnlineThe RECOUP Survey is an annual, specialist, research-based report for those working in, or making decisions about household plastics waste and the recycled plastics value chain. All UK local authorities, as well as county councils and waste partnerships, are surveyed in an online questionnaire about many key areas affecting their operations and as such the […]
PETCORE EUROPE Annual Conference
Brussels , BelgiumThe participants include PET resin manufacturers, packaging designers and manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, label producers, brand owners, EPR schemes, waste management organizations, recyclers, recycling machines manufacturers, representatives from the European institutions and European organizations interested in PET.
RECOUP Members site visit to Sherbourne Recycling 27 March
Sherbourne Resource Park Sherbourne Resource Park 255 London Road, CoventryRECOUP are offering members the opportunity to visit Sherbourne Recycling new state of the art materials recycling facility which combine the use of robotics and optics to separate materials. Sherbourne Recycling Automation, flexibility and sustainability Who are we and how did we get here? • Sherbourne Recycling was established in 2021, but the journey started […]
The RECOUP Summit
The Met Hotel 5 King Street, Leeds, United KingdomFocusing on developments in technology that will help to drive improvements in the plastics recycling and resource efficiency value chain, the RECOUP Summit will consist of focused breakout rooms in the morning followed by lunch and networking in the afternoon. With collaboration being a key factor to success we feel that it is also important […]
RECOUP Members site visit to Berry Circular Polymers Leamington Spa site
Berry Circular Polymers proudly invites RECOUP members to visit a leading recycling site based in Leamington Spa, UK. The site uses proprietary CleanStream® technology, one of the first closed-loop systems to mechanically process domestically recovered household waste polypropylene (PP) back into packaging for contact sensitive applications