
myRecycledContent is a platform to provide certified recycled content for commercial and industrial packaging.

Using recycled material in plastic packaging offers many environmental, economic and social benefits. By investing in sustainable practices and promoting a circular economy, companies can help: preserve natural resources; reduce plastic waste; tackle climate change; and meet current and future legislative requirements, including the recycled content threshold for the UK Plastic Packaging Tax.

When we use packaging containing recycled plastics, we do more than just avoid extracting natural resources. Recycling one tonne of plastics also avoids the production of 3.03 tonnes of CO2. Using recycled plastics in commercial and industrial packaging also boosts recycling and job creation.

Material verification is important!

The environmental benefits of using recycled content are clear and providing the evidence and confidence the material is genuine and approved is increasingly vital for both manufacturers and users of plastic packaging.

All suppliers listed on the myRecycledContent platform have been granted the “Approved Circular Company” logo. This logo means that the share of post-consumer recycled content in the plastic packaging they manufacture/distribute has been attested by a certification body according to an audit protocol approved by Polycert, Recyclass or equivalent scheme.

myRecycledContent does not sell the packaging directly and does not provide information on prices. However, the contact details of the various suppliers is available to enable you to contact them for further information.

Currently, the platform is only available for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) packaging.

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Rigid Plastic

Flexible Plastic

How can my organisation be added to the platform?

Your organisation can register to be on the myRecycledContent platform for free!

By registering, you will have access to a personal space to encode or update your plastic products with recycled content. These will then be listed on the site.

Please ensure that you have a certification of the share of recycled content for the products you wish to list on this site. You must also agree to the following commitments:

  • I offer my customers circular plastic products, i.e. made from PCR, PIR or containing bio-based plastic. I ensure that the official documents (invoice, order form, delivery slip, etc.) to my customers mention at least the supplied tonnage and the share of PCR, PIR and bio-based content per product type.
  • As a producer, I follow, during the design phase, Design for Recycling guidelines. As a wholesaler I request my manufacturer, during the design phase, to follow Design for Recycling guidelines (RecyClass is recommended).
  • As a producer, I work with EuCertPlast certified (or equivalent) recyclers. As a wholesaler, I request my manufacturer to work with EuCertPlast certified (or equivalent) recyclers.
  • As a producer I have my products with recycled content certified by a certification scheme compliant with EN 15343:2008. The declarations on the types of recycled materials comply with ISO 14021. Certification schemes affiliated with Polycert Europe or RecyClass Recycled Plastics Certification or equivalent comply with these standards. I agree to share a copy of the certificate with the myRecycledContent platform (this content will not be shared with users of the platform). As a wholesaler I request the producer to have his products certified by a compliant certification scheme and I have a copy of the certificates.
  • I undertake to communicate correct and complete information and to update on a regular basis any changes to the specifics of my circular products and the new circular products my company sells.

To find out more, and/or to register, click here.