The RECOUP Summit
Focusing on developments in technology that will help to drive improvements in the plastics recycling and resource efficiency value chain, the RECOUP Summit is a new event to the RECOUP calendar, consisting of focused breakout rooms in the morning followed by lunch and networking in the afternoon.

Book your ticket for the day selecting one of the following breakout sessions:
- Understanding the Role of Data in the Circular Economy
This session will examine the importance of data collection in advancing the circular economy, highlighting the function of accurate data in helping deliver the changes that are needed. Looking at how different technologies can add value , whether that is for waste tracking or reuse systems.
- The Role of Technology in Advancing Recycling Processes
Technological innovations are profoundly changing the recycling sector. This session will explore the effects of chemical recycling and advancements in technology that are transforming the recycling industry.
- Food Contact Packaging – Technology Solutions for the Future
Food contact plastic packaging plays a crucial role in enhancing the recycled content in high end applications. This session will explore possibilities and innovations in this space.

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View the Agenda

You can view the RECOUP Summit agenda by clicking here.
Nearby Hotels

A list of a few hotels in Leeds City Centre can be found here.
Book Your Tickets

You can book tickets for the RECOUP Summit by clicking here.
Venue Location

The Hotel is just a 3 minute walk from Leeds train station! To view the location in more detail please visit google maps by clicking here.
Frequently asked questions
10am arrival
4.30pm finish
For directions please visit The Met Hotel website by clicking here