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In order to continue to increase recycling rates for plastics, it is vital that we improve understanding about all aspects of the process, not just among consumers but also the wider plastics recycling industry.
Plastics recycling education and behavioural insights help to identify requirements and maximise opportunities to advance recycling. RECOUP’s 30 years plus experience and ongoing programmes play an important role in this.
The key objective of Pledge2Recycle Plastic is to reduce consumer confusion around plastic recycling. Combining RECOUP’s knowledge of the plastics recycling value chain with our understanding of citizens’ perspectives, we bring together stakeholders around a common goal of developing plastics recycling education and communications. This can include core facts on recycling or information on what can be recycled locally and how best to collect plastic packaging for recycling.
The scheme provides many different opportunities for all parts of the value chain to become involved.
Understanding citizen attitudes, perceptions and behaviours around plastics recycling and resource efficiency is essential to inform the development of the most appropriate communications and resources. RECOUP undertakes a number of ongoing initiatives in this area.
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