
While several business-to-business systems for plastic packaging reuse and refill have been in place for some time, it will be the ongoing development of business-to-consumer versions that will make a significant contribution to establishing long-term solutions for resource efficiency and the circular economy.

Of the business-to-consumer plastic packaging reuse systems already in existence, many tend still to be in their infancy.  The focus must therefore be on identifying the best and most viable models and working on ways to further implement and exploit these.

A key focus is to ensure that any reuse or refill system can operate at scale, introducing improvements and enhancements to achieve this. It is also essential that such systems are implemented only when practical and genuinely the best option.


What RECOUP do

  • Compiles research and guidance on areas related to plastic packaging intended for reuse.
  • Provides the lead or support for plastic packaging reuse projects, including research, trials and communications.

How RECOUP can help

  • Research findings on the reuse of plastic packaging.
  • Project management/support for reuse projects.
  • LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) Library and LCA service– Offering LCA data for reuse products.


Reuse Reports

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